Magic File Renamer Help
Index > Reference
> Filters > Replacing
Filters > Replacer Filter
This filter perform search & replace opeartion on names.
Replace Text box
Here you should input the string you want to search for.
Should contain a regular expression if
Use regular expressions
is checked.
With Text box
Here you should input the string you want use as a replacement for occurrences
of the searched string.
You can leave the With
text box empty, to strip (remove) occurrences of the searched string.
The With text box may contain a
format string with formatting parameters.
Match Case
When checked, only occurrences that matches the exact letters casing of the
search string will be replaced.
Replace only first occurrence
When checked, only the first occurrence of the search string in each name will
be replaced.
Replace only whole words
When checked, only occurrences of the search string which forms a whole word,
will be replaced.
For an occurrence to form a whole word, the couple of characters before and
after it should not be letters or digits.
This option cannot be combined with the Use regular expressions
Use regular expressions
This option allows you to search for a pattern instead of a literal string and
perform an advanced search and replace.
When checked, search string will be treated as a Regular
You will be able to use the menu buttons in the right side of the
Search and With
text boxes to input common regular expression tokens.
The With
text box may contain "$n" tokens, if the search regular expression performs
If seacrch regular expression is not valid, the Replacer Filter will be
See Regular Expressions Reference
for more details.
Can be applied on any text field.
Replace "dog"
with "cat"
, replace only whole words:
The dogs ran away from the big dog >>> The dogs ran away from the
big cat
Replace "\((.+)\)"
with "$1"
, use regular
aaa (bbb) ccc >>> aaa bbb ccc