Magic File Renamer Help

Index > Reference > Formatting Parameters > General Group > Substring

Extracts part of any other format string at a specified location. Location is specified by a start position and end position.

Positions are 1-based (1 is the index of the first character in string).
Input a negative position to start counting from the right side instead of the left. (-1 is the last character index in string).
If you input an out of range position, it will be trimmed to the nearest limit.


Parameter Description
start-position Index of the first character in source format string, to include in the substring.
end-position Index of the last character in source format string, to include in the substring.
source-format-string String to extract substring from. Must be Any other legal format string or literal.

For the item C:\Example\MyTestFileName.123
<substr:1,5,<file-name>> MyTes
<substr:5,-6,<full-name>> stFileNam
<substr:-1,2,<file-extension>45> 2345