Filter Options window let you configure general filter options which apply to
all filters, for Applied Filters.
You can set the name of the filter, as long you do not have two filters with
the same name.
Most of the filters can be applied on any text field of a file or folder. You
can, for example, apply the Letters Case Filter
on the ID3 Album field. Some of the filters, e.g.
ID3 Setter Filter
have a predefined apply target which cannot be changed.
Use the "Apply To" drop down lists to select apply target for the filter. The
first drop-down list lists the available field groups, and the second drop-down
list lists the available fields in the selected group. Only text fields which
can be changed are listed.
You can apply the filter on different parts of fields.
Apply filter on all the text of the field.
Apply filter on a portion of the text. You should set the start and end
positions that define the text portion you want to apply on.
Apply filter on one part of the text. You should set a separator string, which
will be used to separate text into tokens. E.g: the string "-" separates the
text "Artist-Song" into two parts "Artist" and "Song". You should also set the
part (token) you wish to apply filter on.