Magic File Renamer Help

Index > Reference > Formatting Parameters > File Properties Group

Formatting Parameters in this group extracts data from general file and folder properties.

File Date/Time

Description: Extracts file's date and time stamp (Creation / Last Write / Last Access) and convert it to string using a pattern.
Signature: <file-date:format-string,date-type>
format-string: The date/time formatting string to use. Default is dd-MM-yyyy
date-type: Type of date to extract. 0=Creation Date (default), 1=Last Write Date, 2=Last Access, 3=Date Picture Taken (for JPEG pictures only).

Disk Label

Description: Extracts the disk volume label for the drive in which the file or folder is located.
Signature: <label>
Parameters: n/a.


Description: Extracts the drive letter in which the file or folder is located. For network (shared) files, "$" is returned.
Signature: <drive-letter>
Parameters: n/a.

Folder File Count

Description: Extracts the number of files and folders in the same folder in which the file is located. Files in sub-folders are not included.
Signature: <file-count>
Parameters: n/a.

File Size

Description: Extracts file's size on disk. Size unit can be specified.
Signature: <file-size:measuring-unit,digits-after-point>
measuring-unit: Size measuring unit to use when converting size to string:
0 Automatic, the greatest possible unit will be selected, and size unit will be trailed (default).
1 Bytes (B)
2 Kilo-bytes (KB)
3 Mega-bytes (MB)
4 Giga-bytes (GB)
digits-after-point: Digits after decimal point. If 0, returned size will be the closest integer (0 is default).