Magic File Renamer Help

Index > Reference > Formatting Parameters > File Name Group

Formatting Parameters in this group extracts data from file name and path.

File Extension

Description: Extracts the file extension name, which is the part after the last period (.) in the full file name (excluding the period itself).
Signature: <file-extension>
Parameters: n/a.

File Name

Description: Extracts the file name without the file extension.
Signature: <file-name>
Parameters: n/a.

Full File Name

Description: Extracts the file name incl. the file extension, but not including file's path.
Signature: <full-name>
Parameters: n/a.

Parent Folder

Description: Extracts file parent folder full name at a specified level.
Signature: <parent-folder:level>
Level - The level of the parent folder. 1 is the immediate parent, 2 is parent's parent, etc. . If to high level is used, empty value will be returned.


For the file C:\Medical Data\apr03\patients\A-D.mdf

Parameter Value
<file-extension> mdf
<file-name> A-D
<full-name> A-D.mdf
<parent-folder:1> patients
<parent-folder:2> apr03
<parent-folder:5> (empty)